Monday, September 27, 2010

Is STSADM not in your path? Here's how to get it there...

Not trying to be all fancy about this, but if you found this blog item because of searching, it's because you don't know where it's at, or you do and just want to use it in Command Line without having to browse to the 12 or 14 hive.

Type the following into command line on your SharePoint server and STSADM will be in your path.

SharePoint 2010
@set PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\BIN;%PATH%

SharePoint 2007
@set PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN;%PATH%

How long do you want the "New Item" flag to show?

I was asked by my customer a few days ago to make the "New Item" flag show for 30 days. After looking and LOOKING, no luck. I finally found my answer a few hours ago! Here's how you do it.

This works in both SharePoint 2010 and 2007.

Open up command line and make sure STSADM is in your path.

Now, type the following

stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname days-to-show-new-icon -propertyvalue 30 -url http://mysite/

You can make the amount as much as you like, so don't think you have to choose 30 days as your value too.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The "Down To Earth" upgrade plan to 2010

So, let's say you're like me and you have a windows 2000 server, 32 bit processor. You probably don't have the basic memory requirements either to run SharePoint 2010. Now, let's say your customer pulls a fast one on you and says that they "want you to upgrade to SharePoint Foundation 2010 from WSS 3.0". What's the steps you should follow?! Well, there's two and I'm going to tell you what's documented in the MSDN articles, but in a way that's easier to understand.

Note: I'm talking about upgrading to 2010 from 2007, from a server with 32 bit processor to a server with 64 bit, if you already have a 64 bit machine that meets the requirments of SP 2010, you are already good to go! Just upgrade your package (follow the instructions listed below)

Prepare your new 64 bit server(s):
  1. First, acquire a new VM or physical box that meets the requirments documented here (
  2. After you get your box set up with Windows, install WSS 3.0 x64 (
  3. If you are configuring as a farm, repeat these steps on both boxes.
Configure the 64 bit version of WSS 3.0 on the new box
  1. Now, once you have configured SharePoint the way your company (or you) wants it, you need to create a new web application on port 80. Delete the default one, and create a new one. Don't create a site collection on it now.
  2. Go to your old box and create a backup using STSADM by opening up command line with STSADM in the path and typing stsadm -o backup -url -filename "c:\SPBackups\backup.bak"
  3. After this completes, you need to copy that file to your new server and open command line with the STSADM in the path and type stsadm -o restore -url -filename "c:\SPBackups\backup.bak"
  4. Once the restore completes, check your site and make sure your master pages still render right and verify that your settings have copied over. You shouldn't have to change much to get this working, if you have to change anything at all.
Upgrade WSS 3.0 to SharePoint 2010
  1. Now, we have a mirror copy of our sites. Download SharePoint Foundation 2010 (or SharePoint Server 2010) and install on that box. It should upgrade you to the new server code and get you in order.
  2. After this is complete, you will need to, again, verify that all your content still renders.
There you go!!! You've now successfully installed SharePoint 2010.

I learned about this approach AFTER I did this the hard way. I kick myself to realize I could have gone this route and saved myself A LOT of time. I'm interested in hearing how you have upgraded to SharePoint 2010, also to see if anyone has done it this way and any of their problems going this route.